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Jun 17, 2011

Photo Gallery: Translucent Marine Animals

Photo: Aerial view of translucent fish larvae

Larval Blenny Fish

Photograph by David Liittschwager, National Geographic
It’s a fish-eat-fish world in the waters of the world’s oceans, and larvae may be the most vulnerable creatures of all. Larvae—the early form of some animals—are small, slow, and largely defenseless compared with their adult relatives. For many species, including this blenny, invisibility is the best bet for survival.

Photo: A hydromedusa with tentacles waving


Photograph by David Wrobel, Seapics
In the dark waters near the Pacific Ocean seafloor a hydromedusa waves enough tentacles to appear rather like its ancient Greek namesake, Medusa. Medusae, which bud asexually from bottom-dwelling polyps, are just one stage of this jellyfish’s life cycle. Males and females release sperm and eggs, which spawn freely in seawater and form new polyps to begin the cycle again.

Photo: Translucent sea bug

Pram Bug

Photograph by Solvin Zankl, Seapics
Though it’s only an inch (2.5 centimeters) long, the tiny Phronima crustacean is still a pretty vicious customer. Females prey on small marine animals called salps by using their mouths and claws to devour the salp’s insides and then hollowing out the corpse. The “pram bug” then lays her eggs inside the victim’s body cavity to create a mobile, gelatinous nest for her young.

Photo: Translucent, iridescent larval flounder

Larval Flounder

Photograph by David Liittschwager, National Geographic
A translucent body disguises a larval flounder to keep it safe from predators. It will lose this defense mechanism later in life. Flounder undergo several striking physical transformations during their lifetimes. Very young flounder swim upright and have an eye on each side of their face. As they age the fish begin to swim on their sides and one eye slowly migrates until both are on the body’s “top side.”

Photo: Translucent, larval squid

Larval Squid

Photograph by David Liittschwager, National Geographic
This larval squid, seen in a Hawaiian laboratory, is largely transparent but boasts patches of bright color. Squid skin is full of pigment cells, which the animals can control by flexing and relaxing the muscles around them. Some squid use this ability to change colors quickly when threatened, feeding, or mating and can even adopt striped or rippled hues.

Photo: A see-through squid in ocean

Glass Squid

Photograph by David Wrobel, Seapics
A glass squid, named for its nearly transparent body, cruises the deep, dark waters of the eastern Pacific Ocean. The light organs in the squid’s eyes and arms are called photophores—and they may serve as lures to help it to locate mates in the inky depths.

Photo: A bell-shaped jellyfish glowing in the dark


Photograph by Bill Curtsinger, National Geographic
About half of all jellyfish species are bioluminescent—and nearly all deep-sea jellies have this ability. A jelly’s light comes from a natural chemical reaction and is often employed to keep predators away by startling or distracting them.

Photo: A large-eyed, ghostly fish

Antarctic Ice Fish

Photograph by Russ Hopcroft, UAL/Census of Marine Life
This Antarctic ice fish is one seriously cool customer. Natural antifreeze allows it to survive and even thrive in water temperatures that would freeze the blood of any other known fish. Scientists are learning that the frigid waters around both Poles teem with more types of life than they previously imagined.

Photo: Translucent, skeleton-like shrimp

Mantis Shrimp Larva

Photograph by David Liittschwager, National Geographic
This mantis shrimp larva appears a bit insubstantial. But when grown the crustacean can deliver what might be, pound for pound, the animal kingdom’s most powerful smackdown. The shrimp can unleash its hammer-shaped front leg at an incredible speed of 75 feet (23 meters) a second to generate forces more than a hundred times its own body weight and splinter the shells of snails and other prey.

Photo: Fish swimming around a translucent sea star

Sunflower Sea Star

Photograph by Emory Kristof, National Geographic
A sunflower sea star sits nearly unseen on Bowie Seamount, a submerged volcano off the British Columbia coast. These predators can boast three-foot (one-meter) arm spans and use their sucker-laden appendages to snatch up everything from clams to snails and even other sea stars. Though they appear to be sedentary, these animals can use their thousands of tiny feet to move as fast as three feet (one meter) a minute.

Just for fun..hiihiii

" Ish! Pelahapnya dia makan! 'Cancel' nak buat pak we!!
Tengoklah tu makanan tepi bibir pun tak dilapnya. Eiii....teruknya."
just for fun jaer! hehehehe....

Makan dengan "controL"
Wah! Skiema habis nampaknya. Suapannya penuh hati-hati. Tapi sikapnya itu buat kamu bosan. Geram pun ada gak. Mana taknya, dia seolah-olah lebih 'minat' dengan makanan itu berbanding dengan diri kamu sendiri. Namun di sebalik sikap dingin si dia itu menggambarkan bahawa dia seorang yang tegas dalam membuat keputusan dan usah diragui soal kesetiaannya. Kamu tetap satu di hatinya! Cewah!

Asyik belek makanan
Hai! Dia lebih banyak pandang makanan daripada wajah kamu! Macamlah makan tu sedap sangat. Perhatikan cara dia makan. Cukup teliti. Misalnya kalau makan ikan, tulang-tulang ikan itu siap disusun di tepi pinggan. Elok saja! Usah gusar, itu menandakan dia amat prihatin dalam tiap apa juga yang dilakukan. Selain itu, tentu saja dia memang serius dengan kamu. So, usahlah diragukan cintanya!

Serius ketika makan
Kiranya gaya makan dia okey saja. Tak terlalu cepat atau lambat sangat. Sesekali dia akan berbual tapi taklah kerap sangat. Bermakna kamu masih lagi 'wujud' di depannya. Namun ketika mengunyah, matanya asyik perhatikan kamu hingga kadangkala kamu nak makan pun segan. Alahai! Bertuahnya badan! Nampak sangat dia teramat sayang terhadap kamu dan tak mahu kamu 'hilang' sesaat pun dari pandangannya. Jaga-jaga, kang nanti tercekik tulang pulak! Sikap pelindung jelas ditunjukkan terhadap diri kamu. Berbahagialah yek!

Makan sambil borak
Syok sangat berbual dengan kamu sampaikan nasi di dalam pinggan pun tak luak. Itu menggambarkan si dia seorang yang periang dan susah nak tengok dia marah. Tapi, merajuk tu adalah. Selain itu, dia juga gemar berterus-terang kerana baginya itu adalah antara perkara utama untuk memastikan sesebuah perhubungan itu berjaya. Tapi awas, jangan buat dia marah. 'Angin satu badan'lah pulak!

Makan sambil kerap tengok jam
Tengok jam tiap kali makan, selalu nak cepat sedangkan masa masih panjang dan tak ada perkara yang nak 'dikejar'. Jangan salah faham, bukan dia ada date dengan gadis/jejaka lain, cuma itu dah memang tabiat dia. Itu semua menunjukkan bahawa dia sebenarnya amat menitikberatkan soal masa. Tengok saja tiap kali berjanji. Mesti 'on time' dia sampai. Sebab tu dia tak suka seseorang yang lembap.

Makan sambil merungut
Ada saja yang tak kena. Makanan tak sedaplah, kurang garamlah dan macam-macam lagi. Kadangkala tu, sakit juga hati kamu dibuatnya. Alah! Biasalah tu, dia kan jenis yang suka berterus-terang. Apa saja yang dirasakan tak puas hati akan diluahkan walaupun kadangkala ia merimaskan kamu.Tapi di sebalik sikapnya itu, ia menunjukkan bahawa dia teramat mengambil berat terhadap diri kamu. Cuma awas, dia tu kuat cemburu. Jadi, jangan gatal-gatal nak menjeling jejaka/gadis di meja sebelah walaupun sekadar untuk cuci mata.
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