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Jul 23, 2010

Women Health: Pregnancy

If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, it is essential that you learn what to expect during pregnancy - from prenatal care to the changes your body will undergo as your child grows inside you. Learning all that you can about pregnancy will help you make the wise decisions and increase your chances for a happy and healthy outcome.

. . . Lifestyle . . .

When you're pregnant, you're no longer responsible for just one person but two. The little one growing inside you depends on you for nutrition and a safe resting place for the next nine months. So the lifestyle choices you make during pregnancy will not only affect your health, but also your baby's.

To increase your chance of carrying a healthy baby to term, remember to get extra rest, eat healthier foods, and maintain some kind of exercise routine. Not only will these habits make you feel better, it gives you a better chance of having a better pregnancy. Don't forgetto avoid indulging in bad habits - like alcohol, smoking, and drug use - as this may harm your baby.

Abusive relationships are bad in general, but it is essential that you escape abuse when you are pregnant. Abuse often gets worse during pregnancy, which will put both you and your baby at risk.

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