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May 28, 2010

Health: Eating Right..

By Rekha Naidu

It is always better to prevent than to cure, especially where chronic diseases are concerned. The sad truth is, there is no cure for diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, osteoporosis and cancer.

These non-communicable diseases are closely related to lifestyle and have major public health implications.

One of the major concerns is that people are so absorbed with busy schedules that they tend to neglect their health until an illness strikes. Having regular health checks, especially if you have a family history of diabetes and/or heart disease, or if you are overweight, allows for early detection and prevention. These diseases can also be prevented by changes in diet and lifestyle.

Common chronic diseases
Diabetes is a common disease in Malaysia, but many still don't realise how dangerous it is. Often the terminology used mild diabetes gives the patient the wrong impression.

Diabetes occurs when our body cannot produce enough insulin, or cannot make use of insulin properly, to control the amount of sugar in our blood. It is referred to as the mother of diseases, as it is related to a host of many other diseases and medical complications.

Many dread hearing the words heart disease. Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the most common heart disease we have to watch out for.

CAD occurs when the arteries get clogged up, blocking blood flow to the heart, depriving it of oxygen. This causes ischaemic heart disease which can lead to a heart attack and even death.

If the arteries to the brain are blocked, this results in a stroke. The disease, which used to affect mostly those over 50, is now prevalent among those in their 30s and 40s.

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is often called the silent killer. Many people don't realise that they have it, and subsequently don't realise how it could damage their organs, especially the heart.

High blood pressure may cause the walls of arteries to thicken. It could also accelerate the build-up of fatty plague within the artery wall. These arterial changes can lead to a restriction of blood flow and result in angina (chest pains or discomfort), heart attack or stroke. Hypertension is also linked to other clinical conditions such as kidney failure and blindness.

Osteoporosis is a condition where our bone mass falls too low and our internal structure becomes thin and weak. This causes our bones to break or fracture easily, especially at the wrist, hip and spine. Besides causing a lot of pain, disability and disfigurement, osteoporosis may also lead to death in the elderly. However, it can be prevented if we maintain healthy bones from a young age.

Probably the most dreaded of all chronic diseases is cancer. Cancer is a disorderly growth of our body cells. A clump of cancer cells is known as a growth or tumour, and if left untreated, it continues to grow and spread to other parts of the body.

A cancerous tumour performs no useful function in the body, interferes with and steals nourishment from normal cells and is a danger to our lives.

Diet-related risk factors
The risk factors for these chronic diseases are mostly related to diet. Therefore, to prevent these diseases from occuring, we have to watch what we eat.

Obesity is strongly related to chronic diseases and the possibility of early death. Overweight and obese individuals usually have high levels of triglycerides and LDL-cholesterol (also known as bad cholesterol), while having low HDL-cholesterol (good cholesterol). This increases the likelihood of clogged arteries which can result in heart attack and stroke.

Obese individuals are three times more likely to have high blood pressure. It has also been found that 50% of Type 2 diabetics are obese.

One of the main reasons for obesity is excessive intake of fat. Even if a diet high in fat does not lead to obesity, it can increase the risk of breast and prostate cancer.

A high-protein diet, especially one rich with animal protein, can lead to high LDL-cholesterol levels and increase the risk of chronic diseases.

Too much protein can also induce the loss of calcium through the urine. The lack of calcium can thus lead to osteoporosis. A very-high-protein diet is especially risky for those with diabetes, because it can speed the progression of diabetic renal disease.

Contrary to popular belief, eating salty food does not cause hypertension. However, overweight people who take a high-salt diet are more likely to have hypertension than those who don't. Taking too much salt may increase the risk of stomach cancer, as well as aggravate the condition of someone who already has high blood pressure. Some experts believe that high consumption of preservatives could also be linked to increased risk of certain cancers.

While excessive intake of certain nutrients are bad, nutrient deficiency is also a proven risk factor.

Those on low-carbohydrate diets are at higher risk of chronic diseases. This is because the fibre in complex carbohydrate foods can prevent heart disease and certain forms of cancer.

The lack of certain vitamins can also increase the risk of chronic diseases. Firstly, lack of folate can increase homocysteine levels in our blood. Homocysteine is a compound that is produced when protein in food is broken down and metabolised. Certain theories suggest that high homocysteine levels may increase the risk of heart disease. Lack of vitamin B6 and B12 can also contribute to high homocysteine levels.

Some vitamins act as anti-oxidants. Oxidation of body cells is a normal occurrence, but it can be exacerbated through exposure to cigarette smoke, certain food and drinks. This oxidative damage can make us more vulnerable to diseases such as cancer.

Carotenoids are examples of compounds that are anti-oxidants. Some carotenoids also possess pro-vitamin A activities, i.e. they can be converted to vitamin A. Other carotenoids do not possess pro-vitamin A activities but they are known to possess anti-oxidant activities.

An example of this is lycopene. Lycopene is a red pigment found in watermelon, papaya and tomato, and is believed to reduce the risk of certain forms of cancer.

Mineral deficiency is another risk factor. Calcium is crucial in maintaining bone strength. Therefore, calcium deficiency throughout childhood and adulthood will result in osteoporosis at a later age.

Foods rich in calcium can also prevent high blood pressure and certain forms of cancer, and also lower LDL cholesterol levels.

Phytochemicals, which are compounds found in plants, can also prevent chronic diseases. Examples of phytochemicals are flavonoids (found in fruits) and isoflavones (found in soy).

We also have to watch out for carcinogenic foods. These are foods that contain cancer-causing agents. Examples of these include mouldy food (especially mouldy peanuts), charred meat, cured and smoked foods, and some spoiled foods.

Over-consumption of alcohol can also increase the risk of cancer of the mouth and pharynx, larynx, oesophagus and particularly the liver.

Rekha Naidu is a consultant dietitian and member of the Malaysian Dietitians Association.

Health: Nutrition ► Healthy Cooking Methods


It will make it easier for you to plan what to serve and cook it in a healthy manner. You will enjoy being creative and your family will love you for caring.

  1. Cook with as little fats and oil as possible. Use vegetable oil or margarine instead of animal fats.
  2. Avoid deep frying. Steam, bake, boil and grill instead of frying. Try oil free methods eg using a non-stick pan or microwave oven.
  3. Stewing, boiling or pressure cooking are great for cooking tough meats, poultry, pulses or nuts.
  4. Chill soups and stews first so that the fat solidifies. Then remove the fat, reheat and serve.
  5. Minimise the use of coconut milk. When possible, use low-fat milk or low-fat yoghurt as substitutes.
  6. Reduce fat content in cakes and desserts by using skimmed or low-fat milk.
  7. Reduce usage of salt, sugar, artificial preservatives and seasonings. Minimise the usage of salted foods (eg salted vegetables and salted fish). Flavour foods with lemon juice, herbs and spices.
  8. Ensure meat and fish are properly cooked to kill germs.
  9. Overcooking foods leads to nutrient loss. Use only the minimum amount of water required. Cover pots when cooking to reduce evaporation and avoid overcooking vegetables. Never reheat foods repeatedly.

May 26, 2010

Articles: Islam ► The Islamic Concept of Knowledge


The Islamic Concept of Knowledge
Dr. Sayyid Wahid Akhtar
Vol XII No. 3

While it is an open question whether an explicit and systematically worked out Islamic epistemology exists, it is undeniable that various epistemological issues have been discussed in Muslim philosophy with an orientation different from that of Western epistemology. Today attempts are being made to understand the basic epistemological issues in terms of that orientation. This is a valuable effort that deserves our interest and encouragement. However, it can be fruitful only if the practice of rigorous analysis is kept up, with close attention to the precise definitions of the various concepts involved.

With this view, an attempt is made in this paper to delineate the different shades and connotations of the term 'ilm, i.e., knowledge, in the Islamic context. It is hoped that this brief attempt will serve as a step for future groundwork for the construction of a framework for an Islamic theory of knowledge.

In the Islamic theory of knowledge, the term used for knowledge in Arabic is 'ilm, which, as Rosenthal has justifiably pointed out, has a much wider connotation than its synonyms in English and other Western languages. 'Knowledge' falls short of expressing all the aspects of 'ilm. Knowledge in the Western world means information about something, divine or corporeal, while 'ilm is an all-embracing term covering theory, action and education. Rosenthal, highlighting the importance of this term in Muslim civilization and Islam, says that it gives them a distinctive shape.

In fact there is no concept that has been operative as a determinant of the Muslim civilization in all its aspects to the same extent as 'ilm. This holds good even for the most powerful among the terms of Muslim religious life such as, for instance, tawhid "recognition of the oneness of God," ad-din, "the true religion," and many others that are used constantly and emphatically. None of them equals ilm in depth of meaning and wide incidence of use. There is no branch of Muslim intellectual life, of Muslim religious and political life, and of the daily life of the average Muslim that remains untouched by the all pervasive attitude toward "knowledge" as something of supreme value for Muslim being. 'ilm is Islam, even if the theologians have been hesitant to accept the technical correctness of this equation. The very fact of their passionate discussion of the concept attests to its fundamental importance for Islam.

It may be said that Islam is the path of "knowledge." No other religion or ideology has so much emphasized the importance of 'ilm. In the Qur'an the word 'alim has occurred in 140 places, while al-'ilm in 27. In all, the total number of verses in which 'ilm or its derivatives and associated words are used is 704. The aids of knowledge such as book, pen, ink etc. amount to almost the same number. Qalam occurs in two places, al-kitab in 230 verses, among which al-kitab for al-Qur'an occurs in 81 verses. Other words associated with writing occur in 319 verses. It is important to note that pen and book are essential to the acquisition of knowledge. The Islamic revelation started with the word iqra' ('read!' or 'recite!').

According to the Qur'an, the first teaching class for Adam started soon after his creation and Adam was taught 'all the Names'.

Allah is the first teacher and the absolute guide of humanity. This knowledge was not imparted to even the Angels. In Usul al-Kafi there is a tradition narrated by Imam Musa al-Kazim ('a) that 'ilm is of three types: ayatun muhkamah (irrefutable signs of God), faridatun 'adilah (just obligations) and sunnat al-qa'imah (established traditions of the Prophet [s]). This implies that 'ilm, attainment of which is obligatory upon all Muslims covers the sciences of theology, philosophy, law, ethics, politics and the wisdom imparted to the Ummah by the Prophet (S). Al-Ghazali has unjustifiably differentiated between useful and useless types of knowledge. Islam actually does not consider any type of knowledge as harmful to human beings. However, what has been called in the Qur'an as useless or rather harmful knowledge, consists of pseudo sciences or the lores prevalent in the Jahiliyyah.

'Ilm is of three types: information (as opposed to ignorance), natural laws, and knowledge by conjecture. The first and second types of knowledge are considered useful and their acquisition is made obligatory. As for the third type, which refers to what is known through guesswork and conjecture, or is accompanied with doubt, we shall take that into consideration later, since conjecture or doubt are sometimes essential for knowledge as a means, but not as an end.

Beside various Qur'anic verses emphasizing the importance of knowledge, there are hundreds of Prophetic traditions that encourage Muslims to acquire all types of knowledge from any corner of the world. Muslims, during their periods of stagnation and decline, confined themselves to theology as the only obligatory knowledge, an attitude which is generally but wrongly attributed to al-Ghazali's destruction of philosophy and sciences in the Muslim world. Al-Ghazali, of course, passed through a turbulent period of skepticism, but he was really in search of certainty, which he found not in discursive knowledge but in mystic experience. In his favour it must be said that he paved the way for liberating the believer from blind imitation and helping him approach the goal of certain knowledge.

In the Islamic world, gnosis (ma'rifah) is differentiated from knowledge in the sense of acquisition of information through a logical processes. In the non-Islamic world dominated by the Greek tradition, hikmah (wisdom) is considered higher than knowledge. But in Islam 'ilm is not mere knowledge. It is synonymous with gnosis (ma'rifah). Knowledge is considered to be derived from two sources: 'aql and 'ilm huduri (in the sense of unmediated and direct knowledge acquired through mystic experience).

It is important to note that there is much emphasis on the exercise of the intellect in the Qur'an and the traditions, particularly in the matter of ijtihad. In the Sunni world qiyas (the method of analogical deduction as propounded by Imam Abu Hanifah) is accepted as an instrument of ijtihad, but his teacher and spiritual guide, Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq ('a), gave pre-eminence to 'aql in this matter. In the entire Shi'i literature of fiqh and usul al-fiqh, 'aql is much more emphasized, because qiyas is only a form of quasi-logical argument, while 'aql embraces all rational faculties of human beings. Even intuition or mystic experience are regarded as a higher stage of 'aql. In Shi'i literature in particular, and Sunni literature in general, 'aql is considered to be a prerequisite for knowledge. Starting from Usul al-Kafi, all Shi'i compendia of hadith devote their first chapter to the merits of 'aql and the virtues of 'ilm. In Sunni compendia of hadith, including al-Sihah al-sittah and up to al-Ghazali's Ihya, a chapter is devoted to this issue, though it is not given a first priority. This shows that there is a consensus among the Muslims on the importance of 'aql which is denoted by such words as ta'aqqul, tafaqquh and tadabbur in the Qur'an.

Exercise of the intellect ('aql) is of significance in the entire Islamic literature which played an important role in the development of all kinds of knowledge, scientific or otherwise, in the Muslim world. In the twentieth century, the Indian Muslim thinker, Iqbal in his Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam, pointed out that ijtihad was a dynamic principle in the body of Islam. He claims that much before Francis Bacon the principles of scientific induction were emphasized by the Qur'an, which highlights the importance of observation and experimentation in arriving at certain conclusions. It may also be pointed out that Muslim fuqaha and mufassirun made use of the method of linguistic analysis in interpreting the Quranic injunctions and the sunnah of the Prophet (S). Al-Ghazalis Tahatut al-falasifah is probably the first philosophical treatise that made use of the linguistic analytical method to clarify certain philosophical issues. I personally feel that he is rather maligned than properly understood by both the orthodox and liberal Muslim interpreters of his philosophy. His method of doubt paved the way for a healthy intellectual activity in the Muslim world, but because of historical and social circumstances, it culminated in the stagnation of philosophical and scientific thinking, which later made him a target of criticism by philosophers.

There was made a distinction between wisdom (hikmah) and knowledge in the pre-Islamic philosophy developed under the influence of Greek thought. In Islam there is no such distinction. Those who made such a distinction led Muslim thought towards un-Islamic thinking. The philosophers such as al-Kindi, al-Farabi and Ibn Sina are considered to be hakims (philosophers) and in this capacity superior to 'ulama', and fuqaha This misconception resulted in al-Ghazali's attack on the philosophers. Islam is a religion that invites its followers to exercise their intellect and make use of their knowledge to attain the ultimate truth (haqq). Muslim thinkers adopted different paths to attain this goal. Those who are called philosophers devoted themselves to logic and scientific method and they were derogated by the Sufis, though some of them, such as Ibn Sina, al-Farabi and al-Ghazali took recourse to the mystic path in their quest of the truth at some stage. As I said earlier, 'ilm may not be translated as mere knowledge; it should be emphasized that it is also gnosis or ma'rifah. One may find elements of mystic experience in the writings of Muslim philosophers. In Kashf al-mahjub of al-Hujwiri a distinction is made between khabar (information) and nazar (analytic thought). This applies not only to Muslim Sufis but also to most of the Muslim philosophers who sought to attain the ultimate knowledge which could embrace all things, corporeal or divine. In the Western philosophical tradition there is a distinction between the knowledge of the Divine Being and knowledge pertaining to the physical world. But in Islam there is no such distinction. Ma'rifah is ultimate knowledge and it springs from the knowledge of the self (Man 'arafa nafsahu fa qad 'arafa Rabbbahu, 'One who realizes one's own self realizes his Lord'). This process also includes the knowledge of the phenomenal world. Therefore, wisdom and knowledge which are regarded as two different things in the non-Muslim world are one and the same in the Islamic perspective.

In the discussion of knowledge, an important question arises as to how one can overcome his doubts regarding certain doctrines about God, the universe, and man. It is generally believed that in Islam, as far as belief is concerned, there is no place for doubting and questioning the existence of God, the prophethood of Hadrat Muhammad (S) and the Divine injunctions, that Islam requires unequivocal submission to its dictates. This general belief is a misconception in the light of Islam's emphasis on 'aql. In the matter of the fundamentals of faith (usu-l al-Din), the believer is obliged to accept tawhid, nubuwwah and ma'd (in the Shi'i faith, 'adl, i.e. Divine Justice, and imamah are also fundamentals of faith) on rational grounds or on the basis of one's existential experience. This ensures that there is room for doubt and skepticism in Islam before reaching certainty in Iman. The sufis have described iman as consisting of three stages: 'ilm al-yaqin (certain knowledge),'ayn al-yaqin (knowledge by sight) and haqq al-yaqin (knowledge by the unity of subject and object). The last stage is attainable by an elect few.

'Ilm is referred to in many Quranic verses as 'light' (nur), and Allah is also described as the ultimate nur. it means that 'ilm in the general sense is synonymous with the 'light' of Allah. This light does not shine for ever for all the believers. If is hidden sometimes by the clouds of doubt arising from the human mind. Doubt is sometimes interpreted in the Quran as darkness, and ignorance also is depicted as darkness in a number of its verses. Allah is depicted as nur, and knowledge is also symbolized as nur. Ignorance is darkness and ma'rifah is light. In the ayat al-kursi Allah says: (Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth ... Allah is the Master of the believers and He guides them out of the darkness into light). Usually darkness is interpreted as unbelief and light as faith in God. There are so many verses in the Quran as well as the traditions of the Prophet (S) that emphasize that light may be attained by those who struggle against darkness.

Among Muslim philosophers, particularly some Mu'tazilites, like Nazzam, al-Jahiz, Aba Hashim al-Jubbai and others, adopted the path of skepticism. Al-Ghazali was the most eminent among Muslim philosophers who, in his spiritual auto-biography, al-Munqidh min al-dalal, elaborated the path of skepticism which he travelled to attain the ultimate truth. There have been some Muslim thinkers, like Abu Hashim al-Jubba'i, al-Baqillanis al-Nazzam and others, who advocated skepticism in order to arrive at certain religious faith. Skepticism is a philosophy that has three different meanings: denial of all knowledge, agnosticism, and a method to approach certainty. Most of the Muslims philosophers sought the goal of certainty. Skepticism in the general sense of the impossibility of knowledge is not compatible with Islamic teachings. It is acceptable only when it leads from uncertainty to certainty. The skeptical method has two aspects, rejection of all absolute knowledge, and acceptance of the path to overcome uncertainty. Muslim philosophers have followed the second path, because there has been an emphasis on rejecting blind faith. Shaykh al-Mufid (an eminent Shi'i faqih) said that there was a very narrow margin between faith and disbelief in so far as the believer imitated certain theologians. In his view, an imitator is on the verse of unbelief (kufr).

In Islam 'ilm is not confined to the acquisition of knowledge only, but also embraces socio-political and moral aspects. Knowledge is not mere information; it requires the believers to act upon their beliefs and commit themselves to the goals which Islam aims at attaining. In brief, I would like to say that the theory of knowledge in the Islamic perspective is not just a theory of epistemology. It combines knowledge, insight, and social action as its ingredients. I would like to cite here a tradition of the Prophet (S) narrated by Amir al-Mu'minin 'Ali ibn Abi Talib: Once Gabriel came to Adam. He brought with him faith, morality (haya') and 'aql (reason) and asked him to choose one of the three. When he chose 'aql, the others were told by Gabriel to return to heaven, They said that they were ordered by Allah to accompany 'aql wherever it remained. This indicates how comprehensive are the notions of intellect and knowledge in Islam, and how deeply related they are to faith and the moral faculty.

The all-round development of various branches of knowledge pertaining to physical and social phenomena, as well as the process of logical argumentation for justification of Islamic doctrine and deduction of Islamic laws (ahkam) with reference to Qur'anic injunctions and the Prophetic tradition, is indebted to Islam's notion of 'ilm. Scientific knowledge, comprising natural and physical sciences, was sought and developed by Muslim scientists and mathematicians vigorously from the beginning of the last decades of the first century of Hijrah. The scientific endeavour found its flowering period with the establishment of the Bayt al-Hikmah in the reign of al-Ma'mun. Undoubtedly the major contributions in philosophy and sciences were made by Iranians, but the myth created by the orientalists that the fundamental sources of Islam, viz. the Qur'an and Sunnah, did not contain scientific and philosophical ideas is totally false. As said earlier, not only the Qur'an and hadith encouraged Muslims or rather made it obligatory for them to pursue truth freely from all possible sources, but also contained certain guiding principles that could provide a secure foundation for the development of religious and secular sciences. Some Prophetic traditions even give priority to learning over performing supererogatory rites of worship. There are several traditions that indicate that a scholar's sleep is more valuable than an ignorant believer's journey for pilgrimage (hajj) and participation in holy war, and that the drops of a scholar's ink are more sacred than the blood of a martyr. Amir al-Mu'minin 'Ali ('a) said that the reward for piety in the other world would be bestowed upon a believer in proportion to the degree of his intellectual development and his knowledge.

Islam never maintained that only theology was useful and the empirical sciences useless or harmful. This concept was made common by semi-literate clerics or by the time servers among them who wanted to keep common Muslims in the darkness of ignorance and blind faith so that they would not be able to oppose unjust rulers and resist clerics attached to the courts of tyrants. This attitude resulted in the condemnation of not only empirical science but also 'ilm al-kalam and metaphysics, which resulted in the decline of Muslims in politics and economy. Even today large segments of Muslim society, both the common man and many clerics suffer from this malady. This unhealthy and anti-knowledge attitude gave birth to some movements which considered elementary books of theology as sufficient for a Muslim, and discouraged the assimilation or dissemination of empirical knowledge as leading to the weakening of faith.

Apart from Shaykh al-Mufid and other Shi'i scholars, a number of classical Sunni fuqaha and 'ulama,' even those considered to be conservative, like Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah, regarded emulation or imitation (taqlid) as religiously unauthorized and harmful. Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti held that taqlid was forbidden by both the salaf and the khalaf (early and later generations of scholars). He cited al-Shafi'i's opposition to taqlid. Ibn Hazm followed the same line. These and many other fuqaha' and theologians emphasized the exercise of 'aql and ijtihad as obligatory for the believers. Imam 'Ali ('a) gave a place of pride to reason even in the matters of religion. Abu 'Ala' al-Ma'arri believed that there was no imam except reason. Thus it is obvious that the Shi'ah and Sunnis, not withstanding their differences on several issues, agreed on the role of reason and the necessity of ijtihad. It is unfortunate that some recent movements of Islamic resurgence in the Sunni world, e.g. Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Algeria, Sudan etc., are opposed to reason and preach emulation, distorting the role of ijtihad and disregarding even major Salafi theologians. This attitude, they do not realize, is self-contradictory and self defeating for their own cause. It is a good sign that apart from the rejection of 'aql in recent times by some Sunni quarters, attempts have been made and are still being made to revive the practice of ijtihad and combining social, scientific and secular knowledge with the teaching of theology, fiqh, usul al-fiqh, hadith, 'ilm al-rijal, kalam and tafsir, whose acquisition is essential for ijtihad in the matters pertaining to the faith and its practice.

Another myth propagated by the orientalists, that the Arab mind was not akin to philosophizing and that it was the Aryan mind, i.e. of the Iranians, which introduced philosophy in the Muslim world, is equally unfounded and a conspiracy against the history of Muslim philosophy and its significant contribution to the development of sciences which not only benefited Muslim world but also contributed to the enrichment of human learning, culture and civilization. Ironically, despite the claim that the Aryan mind introduced philosophical and scientific thinking and research, Muslim philosophy is called 'Arab philosophy' by the orientalists, implying a contradiction inherent in their prejudice against the Semites. In Islam-of course, after the Qur'an and the Prophet's hadith-'Ali's sermons and letters, later collected under the title of Nahj al-halaghah, contained the seeds of philosophical and scientific inquiry, and he was an Arab. Similarly, the Mu'tazilah, known as the first rationalists among Muslims, consisted of Arabs. Even the officially recognized first Muslim philosopher, al-Kindi, was an Arab.

After the decline of philosophical and scientific inquiry in the Muslim east, philosophy and sciences flourished in the Muslim west due to endeavours of the thinkers of Arab origin like Ibn Rushd, Ibn Tufayl, Ibn Bajah, and Ibn Khaldun, the father of sociology and philosophy of history. Ibn Khaldun's philosophy of history and society is the flowering of early work by Muslim thinkers in the spheres of ethics and political science such as those of Miskawayh, al-Dawwani, and Nasir al-Din al-Tusi. The credit for giving serious attention to socio-political philosophy goes to al-Farabi, who wrote books on these issues under the titles of Madinat al-fadilah, Ara' ahl al-madinat al-fadilah, al-Millah al-fadilah, Fusul al-madang, Sirah Fadilah, K. al-Siyasah al-madaniyyah, etc.

Muslims never ignored socio-political economic and other problems pertaining to the physical as well as social reality. They contributed richly to human civilization and thought by their bold and free inquiry in various areas of knowledge even at the risk of being condemned as heretics or rather unbelievers. True and firm believers in Islamic creed, like al-Ghazali, Ibn Rushd, Ibn Bajah, al-Haytham, Ibn 'Arabi and Mulla Sadra, and in recent times Sayyid Ahmad Khan, Iqbal and al-Mawdudi were not spared fatwas of kufr by the partisans of blind imitation who were hostile to the principle of ijtihad, research and critical thought.

Along with the Muslim astronomers, mathematicians, natural scientists and physicians like Ibn Sina, Zakariyya al-Razi, and others who were instrumental in the development of human knowledge and civilization, it would be unjust not to mention the significant contribution of Ikhwan al-Safa (The Brethren Purity) a group of Shi'i-Ismaili scholars and thinkers who wrote original treatises on various philosophical and scientific subjects, an effort which signifies the first attempt to compile an encyclopedia in the civilized world.

In brief, it may be justifiably claimed that the Islamic theory of knowledge was responsible for blossoming of a culture of free inquiry and rational scientific thinking that also encompassed the spheres of both theory and practice.

Health: A Woman's Heart ► Symptoms of Heart Attack

Every year hundreds of thousands of women die as the result of a heart attack or other cardiovascular disease. What many people, including many healthcare professionals, don't realize is that the symptoms of heart attack in women are often different than in men. Women are more likely to experience nausea, dizziness, and anxiety as symptoms that indicate a heart attack.

  • Chest pain-may also include back pain and/or deep aching and throbbing in one or both arms.
  • Breathlessness and/or inability to catch your breath when waking up.
  • Clammy sweating.
  • Dizziness--unexplained lightheadedness, possible blackouts.
  • Anxiety--unusual nervousness, feelings of impending doom.
  • Edema--fluid retention and swelling usually of the ankles or lower legs.
  • Fluttering--rapid heartbeats, palpitations.
  • Nausea--gastric upset.
  • Feeling of heaviness, such as pressure-like chest pain between the breasts that may radiate to the left arm or shoulder.
Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death in women and it is the most preventable cause of death. Women should pay particular attention to these symptoms and seek immediate advice from a healthcare professional if these symptoms occur.

May 25, 2010

Articles: Cigarette

The Dangers of Cigarette Smoking

Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the world. Every year, thousands of Americans are diagnosed with lung cancer that was brought about specifically from smoking. Most smokers are bombarded with reasons to quit smoking every day, and there are hundreds of quit smoking tips, quit smoking aids and quit smoking support groups. However, none of the ways to quit smoking can work for you if you are not ready to give up your habit. Knowing what cigarette smoking does to you can help you make up your mind to begin your trek toward a healthier life.

People Should Smoking Stop Why?

Cigarette smoking is perhaps the worst thing you could do to your body. There have been a variety of studies that show that smoking shortens your life by six minutes for every cigarette you smoke. When you think about this in terms of packs a day, you are shortening your life by two hours for every pack of cigarettes you smoke. That is quite a sacrifice to make just for smoking.

Another reason to quit cigarette smoking is that it is expensive. Cigarette prices are always on the rise as more and more sin taxes are added. In states such as New York, one pack of cigarettes can cost more than seven dollars. If you add up all of that money, a pack a day smoker could save more than two thousand dollars a year if he or she quit smoking.

Cigarette smoking individuals are also twice as likely to have heart attacks than non-smokers. They are also five times as likely to die from these heart attacks than those who do not smoke or who quit smoking at a young age.

Cigarette smoking stops circulation in some individuals, and this can lead to stroke. In fact, smokers are five times more likely to suffer strokes than non-smokers. This is especially dangerous if you are taking birth control pills, as the risk for stroke is even greater, especially if you are over the age of thirty.

The most dangerous part of cigarette smoking, however, is what it can do to your lungs. Smoking is leading cause of lung cancer in the world. Though non-smokers can also get lung cancer, smokers greatly increase their chances beyond those of non-smoking individuals. Smokers are also at risk for developing emphysema, an incurable breathing disease.

Though cigarette smoking causes some irreversible damage, there is good news for those who decide to quit smoking. It only takes ten years after you quit smoking before you lungs return to normal. This means that if you quit smoking now, you can have a new lease on life within ten years. In addition, the immediate effects of quitting smoking are even more exciting.

May 24, 2010

Health: Chocolate

The Health Benefits of Chocolate: Can Chocolate Benefit Your Health?

Chocolate is one of the most popular sweet-tasting treats in the world and has been for centuries. But part of the myth surrounding chocolate is that if it tastes so good, it must be bad for your health.

But the surprising news from the scientific community is that this reputedly decadent treat actually has some health benefits, especially if you choose your chocolate wisely.

Is Chocolate A Health Food?
Chocolate contains more than 300 chemicals, and has been the subject of a number of studies by universities and other scientific organizations. Here's a quick rundown of the results. (Note, we have no way of proving or disproving these claims so we offer them here as a stimulus for further research. If you're really interested in the subject, this may provide you with a starting point.)

* Cacao, the source of chocolate, contains antibacterial agents that fight tooth decay. Of course, this is counteracted by the high sugar content of milk chocolate.
* The smell of chocolate may increase theta brain waves, resulting in relaxation.
* Chocolate contains phenyl ethylamine, a mild mood elevator.
* The cocoa butter in chocolate contains oleic acid, a mono-unsaturated fat which may raise good cholesterol.
* Drinking a cup of hot chocolate before meals may actually diminish appetite.
* Men who eat chocolate live a year longer than those who don't.
* The flavanoids in chocolate may help keep blood vessels elastic.
* Chocolate increases antioxidant levels in the blood.
* Mexican healers use chocolate to treat bronchitis and insect bites.
* The carbohydrates in chocolate raise serotonin levels in the brain, resulting in a sense of well-being.

What Chocolate Won't Do
There are many myths and half-truths about the effects of chocolate on the human body. Here are the latest findings on several of them.
* Studies show that chocolate is not a causative factor in acne.
* Cacao contains the stimulants caffeine and bromine, but in such small quantities that they don't cause nervous excitability.
* Chocolate is not addictive.
* Chocolate contains stearic acid, a neutral fat which doesn't raise bad cholesterol.
* Chocolate doesn't make you 'high'. You'd need to eat a huge quantity (about 25 pounds at one sitting) to feel any noticeable effect.

But On The Negative Side...
1. Chocolate may trigger headaches in migraine sufferers.
2. Milk chocolate is high in calories, saturated fat and sugar.

What About Chocolate And Your Pets?
Chocolate is considered dangerous to animals because it contains a stimulant called theobromine, which they can't digest.

Dark chocolate and baking chocolate are even more dangerous because they contain higher concentrations of the substance. This applies whether chocolate is in candy bar form, or an ingredient in cake, cookies, puddings or ice cream.

If a pet becomes ill after eating chocolate, take it to the vet immediately.

Dark Chocolate Versus Milk Chocolate
Dark chocolate contains more cacao and less sugar than milk chocolate. It follows that any health benefits would be more pronounced in dark chocolate.

Dark chocolate is allowed on the popular Montaignac diet while milk chocolate is not.

You'll need to do a little research if you have any health concerns about eating chocolate. But with products like gluten-free and sugar-free brands finding their way onto supermarket shelves, you're sure to find some form of chocolate you can enjoy with a clear conscience.

May 22, 2010

Health: Fruit & Diet ► The Energy In Fruits

The contents of fruit
As the interest in nutrition increases and people are getting more and more conscious about what they eat, the interest in fruit and its contents also grows. But we still don't know that much about fruit and there is much to discover about the substances that fruit contains. We know it is healthy for us, and that people who are sick can be cured by a diet of raw fruits and vegetables. Even cancer can sometimes be cured by this diet but which substances fruit contains is a mystery. That a human being can live healthily on fruit alone has been proven by the fruitarians, they only consume fruit.

On this page we treat the following subjects:

-Water in fruit;
-The burning process & sugar in fruit;

Water in fruit
Planet earth is covered with water for 70%. The human body consists of 80% of water. So what should humans eat: food that contains 80% water.
If you think about it, it is very logical to have food that contains much water. Al right, you say, then I just drink 8 to 12 glasses of water each day, so I can have as much food that doesn't contain much water as I want. Bad luck, this won't work. You cannot cleanse your body by flooding it with water. Instead of drowning your body, you only have to eat food that is rich in water: fruit, fruit juices and vegetables are the nutrition that fit this definition.

Why is it better to consume food that has lots of water in it?
All the fixed substances that you consume have to be digested. A steak for instance can take 8-10 hours to digest, while a fruit salad only takes about 30 minutes! If you squeeze the fruit salad and drink the juice, your body can integrate the nutritious elements even faster. In this way your body can use its energy for other purposes than digesting. For example thinking or detoxifying.

Let's take a closer look at how our body extracts energy from food.

  1. The burning process & sugar in fruit
Everything you eat or drink has to be digested to extract the energy from it.
Your body can extract energy from food in two ways:
  • Burning with oxygen, for sugar and fat (fruit);
  • Burning without oxygen, for proteins (meat/dairy).
- Burning with oxygen,for sugar and fat (fruit)

The energy fruit contains is in the form of sugars (glucose). Your body can easily turn this glucose into energy by using oxygen. When the body burns the sugars with the help of oxygen there are waste products produced.
The waste products of this chemical reaction are water and carbon-dioxide. Your body can use the water and disposes of the carbon-dioxide through the lungs by breathing.
It is a very quick, clean and easy way to extract energy.

Your body does an excellent job: it extracts 50% of the energy. A combustion engine about 10 to 20%, the rest is lost through heat.

Fruit juice takes only about 15 minutes and raw fruit about 30 minutes to digest!

- Burning without oxygen, for proteins (meat/dairy)
Proteins are burnt in a different way. The energy that for instance meat, milk and dairy contain consists of proteins and animal fat. The largest part consists of proteins and the conversion of proteins into energy is more difficult and costs more energy than the conversion of sugar and fat into energy.

When the body burns proteins other waste products are produced than with the burning of sugars. The waste product of the burning-process without oxygen is ammonia which is connected with carbon-dioxide and forms the less toxic ureum which is excreted by the kidneys. It's a more cumbersome way to extract energy.

A steak can take up to 8 or 10 hours to digest, especially when eaten in combination with potatoes. In comparison to fruit (30 minutes) a lot of energy is lost to the digestion of proteins and this means that you can't use that energy for other things. Thinking or the disposing of toxins for example.

When it comes to fruit and vegetables people tend to say: "But what about my proteins? I need them." We all know that we need proteins, because proteins are an important building material for our cells. We also know that meat, dairy and eggs contain many proteins, so we say that we have to eat meat, dairy and eggs to stay healthy.
We have three arguments that prove that the human body doesn't need that much proteins:

-The fruitarians;
-Amino acids.

- The fruitarians
The vegetarians (no meat), vegans (no animal products) and fruitarians (only fruit) do not consume food that contain many proteins. They live a healthy life without big doses of proteins and look younger too!
Proteins are important though and the best source of protein is from the same raw fruits and vegetables that provide all the other nutrients: vitamins, minerals, enzymes and carbohydrates. Although fruit and vegetables contain less proteins than other nutrition, about 15 to 20 times less than for instance meat, the best way to get all these nutrients, including protein, is to eat a well-balanced variety of fresh, raw fruits and vegetables.
For the exact amount of proteins in fruit see: contents of fruit.

- Babies
When a baby is lucky enough to receive the most natural food it can get babies will be breast fed for the first three to twelve months of their lives. Mother milk contains not only the necessary nutritional elements but also protects the child against allergies and infections. It consists only of about 1% of proteins though proteins are the most important material for building cells! Babies grow lots of cells so obviously it's not necessary to obtain much of proteins for the cell-building process. Fruit also only consists of 1% of proteins and that is obviously enough proteins for a human to obtain the amino acids required for building the cells. Fruit doesn't contain much proteins but has everything in it to make fully grown humans and babies grow.

- Amino-acids
Proteins consist of amino acids and our body uses 20 different amino-acids. There are 8 amino-acids that our body cannot produce itself. They are called the essential amino-acids and our bodies have to obtain them through nutrition. There are many fruits and vegetables that contain all of the eight essential amino acids in the single fruit or veg. This means that it's not necessary to consume animal products to obtain the proteins that contain the essential amino acids our body needs. The following fruits and vegetables contain all 8 essential amino acids:
-Fruits: Bananas, tomatoes, cucumbers.
-Vegetables: Potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots (also good for the memory), corn, cabbage, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, okra, peas, summer squash and kale.

Inform yourself about what you consume and read the labels in the supermarket to discover what it all contains.

Health: Fruit & Diet ► Fruits & Detoxification (Con #2)

Before we tell you more about the detoxification of your body with fruit we talk about stimulants first. Then we discuss detoxification and the slow reaction of your body, it reacts like an oil tanker.

Stimulating your body
A stimulant is a substance that quickly changes a symptom in an unnatural way. Many people in Western society live on stimulation. We use stimulation to make us feel good. If you try to control a symptom with stimulants, the cause of that symptom will remain. The core of a problem will never be solved by using stimulants. The number of stimulants we use is endless.
We will discuss the most important stimulants in a quick overview.

List of most common stimulants

Refined white sugar
A lot has been written about the detrimental effects of refined white sugar on the body. It is really very bad for you. Inform yourself because a lot of products contain a lot of refined white sugar. Cola for instance, but also ketchup contains a lot. Try to cut down on it by using brown sugars, like cane sugar.
Sugar has a stimulating effect. If you consume a product full of sugar you get a kick out of it, that's why products that contain a lot of sugar are so attractive.

Possible substitutes:
- cane sugar; tastes the same, same kick.
- fruit juices; same kick from natural sugars.

The stimulating effect of caffeine in cola, coffee, tea, and chocolate are well known.
Substitute for cola: for the caffeine green tea; for the sugar it contains (one 0.2 l. glass contains 3 spoons full of refined sugar) you can drink fruit juices.

Substitute for coffee:
- Japanese or Chinese green tea.

Gives the same kick because it contains the caffeine but is less worse because it does not contain the stomach irritating substances.

Diet pills
The stimulation of some diet pills is obvious. A lot of weight loss herbs are stimulatory. Some athletes have even experimented with these to give them more energy during their competitions. How's that for a stimulant?
You should be very careful or better: do not use them at all. If it is really necessary consult your doctor first.
Substitute: Fruit.

Fruit is detoxifying and you can eat as much of it as you want. You will lose a lot of weight if you cut down on other nutrition and replace them by fruit.

The nicotine in cigarettes is another well know stimulant.
- squeeze fruit (kills time);
- carrots.

Some people feel that salt, pepper, and some spices can be stimulating. Did you ever notice that some people seem to require large amounts and others require none?
- herbal salt.

Red Meat
People feel good and strong right after the consumption of red meat. This is a bit strange because the energy of meat consists of proteins and they take 4 - 6 hours to digest. Therefore the immediate effect must be a stimulant.This effect can be caused by the stimulating elements the meat contains. A well known theory is that when animals are being killed, the animals know that it's about to happen. This activates the production of adrenaline which fuels their blood with fear hormones. These are incredibly stimulating and it is impossible to remove all of them from the meat (and milk).
Animals are also injected with hormones that can stimulate too.
- fish.

Soft-drugs as hashish and pot stimulate the kidneys and the blood circulation and can't be overdosed but also contain a lot of polluting elements that can cause cancer, like cigarettes. So stay away from them.
Hard drugs are chemical drugs and are extremely stimulative (pills, powders, alcohol). They speak for themselves, the biggest kick, the biggest kick down for health. These stimulants are so aggressive they kill brain cells. An overdose is killing.


Stimulants cannot give the body what it needs. Only natural food can promote a healthy and thus happy physiological function. You could look at it this way: the only natural way to feel good is the one that is a by-product of a normally functioning body that is producing sufficient energy at the cellular level. Any other way to feel good is phony and a result of stimulants, how innocent these stimulants may look.
Your body detoxifies itself all day and for the biggest part during your sleep. Especially until noon it is therefore sensible to eat fruit only. Your body has to dispose of the toxic elements it receives from stimulants, nutrition and pollution.

If you stop the stimulating of your body with a certain stimulant there is a good chance that the following is the result:

an immediate loss of energy;
emotional symptoms such as headaches, sickness and depressions.

So, if you stop the use of a stimulant you will not feel better right away. It's obvious that these products are really addictive. In some cases if someone improves his eating habits an immediate increase of energy is experienced but the opposite is just as often the result. The body has not only to deal with the moment but also with the problems that have resulted from the past...

Weight loss
For example: if someone improves his eating habits (for example eating a lot of fruit or quitting on dairy products) and loses weight, not only does the body have to burn the fat, it also has to cope with toxic waste that is embedded within the fat. So if your body is burning that fat it is very likely that you will feel ill because your body also burns the toxic waste products embedded within that fat.

If you haven't eaten fruit and vegetables on a regular basis and you start to eat a lot of fruit, your body will detoxify itself first. Even if you don't change your use of stimulants!
Fruit can be used to help your body detoxify. The best way of doing this is not to eat anything but fruit until noon. Till that time your body is still busy detoxifying from the night before. Now you know why people always drink freshly squeezed orange- or grapefruit juice in the morning.

The strongest detoxifying effect is caused by the acid fruits. Especially (red) grapefruit and lemons are detoxifying. Citrus fruit is all acid fruit but also tomatoes and pineapples are acid fruits . Squeeze 3 oranges, two mandarins and half a red grapefruit for breakfast. It's the quickest energy supply to wake you up in the morning!
Be a little-bit careful with the acid fruits when you are ill. Your body is already very busy detoxifying and when stimulating this process it could cause an over-reaction of your body to clean itself even more and could make you even feel worse for that moment. So don't go squeezing 20 oranges to get better.

If you are really sick and don't want to eat or drink, the best drink is a glass with the juice of half a lemon filled up with boiled water and a bit of cane sugar (not refined white sugar!) Because you only use half a lemon the detoxifying effect is not so strong but your body does receive much vitamin C.

Don't forget that the human body reacts like an oil-tanker. It is wise not to expect immediate results from changing your eating patterns. Going on a diet is nice for a two weeks holiday at Hawaii beach but won't help you losing weight or make you feel better, healthier and more energetic on the long run.

Just have fun & five pieces of fruit a day.

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