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Jun 15, 2010

Health: How to Walk for Weight Control ► Walking Schedule #1

Walking Schedule - How to Walk for Weight Control
By Wendy Bumgardner, Guide
  1. Short Day: Warm up 5-10 minutes. Stretch. Walk at target pace (determined, 50-70% of maximum heart rate) for 30 minutes. Slow to easy pace for 5 minutes. Finish with gentle stretching. Heart Rate Calculator
  2. Long Day: Warm up 5-10 minutes at easy pace. Stretch. Walk at target pace for 60 minutes. Slow to easy pace for 5 minutes. Finish with gentle stretching.
  3. Long Easy Day: Warm up 5-10 minutes at easy pace. Stretch. Walk at target pace for 30 minutes. Slow to easy pace for additional 30 - 90 minutes. Finish with gentle stretching.
  4. Day Off: When walking for weight loss, you should take no more than 1 to 2 days off a week.
Alternate these days to fit your personal weekly schedule.

Example: Day : Workout - Time at Target HR
Sun.: Long Day - 60 min.
Mon.: Day Off - 0 min.
Tue.: Short Day - 30 min.
Wed.: Short Day - 30 min.
Thu.: Long Day - 60 min.
Fri.: Short Day - 30 min.
Sat.: Long Easy Day 30 min. at target HR, 30-90 easy.

The Long Easy Day may be spiced up by joining in a local non-competitive volkssport walk or a charity walking event.

Feeling Worn Out: If your walking workout leaves you feeling sore or worn out the next day, take a day off. If this happens each day that you walk, check your heart rate to be sure you are not overdoing it, and drop back to 50% or less of your target heart rate and cut back on the number of long days in preference for short days.

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